When you consider all the money invested in marketing products and
services, you would think companies would rigorously apply all the
science they can to measure the performance of their marketing spend.
But a January 2009 McKinsey survey finds the process is much less
formal than might be expected in most companies. Companies tend to
allocate spending based on historical allocations and rules of thumb
far more than quantitative measures. Only a small proportion of
companies use anything more complex than basic quantitative techniques. Nearly
1/3 say they rely mostly on qualitative measures, about 1/4 say they also consider some basic quantitative measurement, and 23% base decisions on the previous year's performance, not tied to any specific business
objectives. (587 C-level executives representing the full range of industries and global regions were surveyed.) If you are looking for an e-marketing solution to help you track your marketing metrics and conversion ratios, take a look at ActOn Software:http://davidchao.typepad.com/webconferencingexpert/2009/02/act-on-software-for-emarketing-programs.html |