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January 29, 2009



Great interested talk success factors.I have a blog more of success factors.
Thanks for sharing!

David Chao

I cannot confirm if Sean's financial numbers are accurate for Citrix Online but found it worth posting.

It should also be noted that every other news release that mentioned the same Citrix lay-off did not go into details if the lay-offs effected specific divisions or product lines like Citrix Online, Application virtualization, Application networking, Desktop virtualization, Server virtualization, or Application performance monitoring.

The lay-offs were across the Citrix global workforce.

Sean Spradling

come on man you are telling half the story...the web conf portion of the company was the one bright spot which grew from $214M to $260M year over year. Telling half the story is being half truthful.

And no I don't work for Citrix

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